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Make it count!

By Christy Riggs

Published January 19, 2023 in The Burg

2023! A new year. A fresh start. For most, a new year is synonymous with “new you” goals. I recently saw a quote that said: “I’m not going to talk about my 2023 goals…I’m moving in silence…focusing on the walk, not the talk”. I am a firm believer in not discussing goals, mainly in case I fail. LOL. One of my favorite life phrases is “make it count!” We only get one chance, right? So we HAVE to make it count.

For those of you who [silently] made the most popular goal to lose weight and/or get healthy? MAKE IT COUNT! Walk. Run. Do yoga. Simply move your body versus sitting most of the day. When the cookies or Doritos with melted cheese call to you?

Drink a glass of water or call a friend or go for a drive (and no, not to McDonalds or Dairy Queen). Keep in mind however, if you do cave and eat something you know you shouldn’t have? Don’t beat yourself up. You cannot deprive yourself which tends to set you up to fail. Simply get back back on your path quickly and move on.

Perhaps being a kinder, more patient human is your goal this new year. MAKE IT COUNT! There are so many small things one can do. How about paying it forward. I have done this many times at Starbucks and try to slowly drive away to see the person smile from this random act of kindness. Smile and say “it’s ok” to that person who accidentally rams their cart into your heels at the grocery store. Hold the door open for strangers even if you don’t get a thank you. That SUUUUUPER slow person you’re stuck behind holding up traffic? Breathe. Put on some good music and jam while you wait going 3 mph. You’ll get around them soon. The world needs more kindness. Period.

For those of you who vow to get more organized - whether it be cabinets, closets, drawers? MAKE IT COUNT! Get on Amazon or run to Target and purchase those drawer organizers, closet storage bins etc. In fact, this is something I myself have done this past few months. It truly is a great feeling. Opening the kitchen junk drawer only to see exactly what you want without having to dig or get stabbed from scissors or push pins on the loose? This is absolutely priceless.

I imagine several (myself included) make the decision to live life to the fullest to start fresh in a new year, and stop sweating the small stuff. Let’s face it. The last couple of years have been brutal for a lot of people. We need to change our mindset to see the good. As we all know, life is short and can change just like that. MAKE IT COUNT! It’s incredibly easy (believe me, I get it) to get caught up in the negative. It’s all around and seems to be getting worse. Ways to do this: Focus on today. Appreciate life’s every second. Strive to be a better version of yourself daily. Be kind to yourself. Prioritize things that matter most - children, family, friends. Throw a little mad money away for a vacation to your favorite happy place. The beach is always my choice.

If you need some motivation to pull out of a funk? Listen to the song “I can see clearly now” by Jimmy Cliff. It’s one of my favorites for lifting the mood.

Happy New Year! We all simply have “one shot” at this thing called life. Make it count The Burg readers. It’s “gonna be a bright, bright, sunshiny day.”

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