Registered voters in the City of Galesburg were mailed their new voter cards on March 28, 2022. Illinois law requires new voter cards to be mailed to the 18,000 registered voters in the city via the USPS following the state and city redistricting that occurred after the 10-year census. Redistricting rebalances the populations in districts after people have naturally moved over the past decade. The new voter card helps to prevent a voter from being delayed when they go to vote and is done to ensure that each voter still lives where they are registered to vote. Please look at your new teal-colored voter card to confirm your current polling place site and precinct number. (A sample voter card is below.)
The city voter database was also cross-checked with the U.S.P.S. National Change of Address database in mid-December 2021 by the Illinois State Board of Elections and the addresses for 350+ registered voters in the City of Galesburg have been automatically updated in accordance with Illinois law. The voter card serves as a reminder or notice of each person's polling place location and the districts they can vote in based on where they live. These steps are part of the ongoing maintenance of the city voter database in accordance with Illinois laws. Precinct redistricting occurred citywide. Also, Bethel Baptist Church's Learning Center will replace the former Northwoods Church polling place site. United Way of Knox County located at 1215 Monmouth Blvd will serve as a new polling place site for nearby residents in Precinct 10. A registered voter whose voter card is undeliverable by the USPS will be sent a forwardable address confirmation final notice letter in accordance with Illinois law. The next election in the City of Galesburg will be the 2022 Gubernatorial Primary to be held on Tuesday, June 28, 2022. For more important election dates including the first day to Early Vote (May 19th), visit the city website at (Residents/Election Office), follow the Galesburg Board of Elections on Facebook, or call the office at 309/345-3660.