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School of Ag to Host Field Day Aug. 8

"Finding where you fit in Organic Agriculture" is the theme of Western Illinois University’s 2024 Allison Organic Research and Demonstration Farm field day, slated for Thursday, Aug. 8. The field day will start at 9 a.m. in the Dakin Farm shop with presentations followed by a complimentary lunch at noon featuring local farm products. The field day will conclude with plot tours and equipment demonstrations from 1:15-3 p.m. at the Allison Farm.

The keynote presentation will be delivered by an experienced organic grain farmer, Darren Fehr, from Mallard, IA. In 2023, Fehr, his wife Nora and their five children grew 1000 acres of certified organic corn, soybeans, oats, peas, dry beans and alfalfa.

Fehr started farming in 1994. In 1998, a piece of ground was coming out of the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) and someone recommended that he try planting organic soybeans.

“At that stage in my farming career, we were starting with really nothing – we didn’t have much of a land base – so it did open up the opportunity to create more value per acre of land, instead of trying to find more land. And then, after that, [farming organically] became more of a personal challenge,” Fehr said.

The rest of the morning will include an overview of recent research at the Allison Farm by WIU Ag Professor Joel Gruver, a panel discussion featuring WIU alums who have found their fit in the organic industry (e.g., farmer, farm manager, seed sales) and opportunities to network with other attendees.

After lunch, at 1 p.m. a walking tour of the Allison Farm's research and demonstration plots featuring organic corn, soybeans, alternative cropping systems including solar corridors, alternative crops including seed crops and diverse cover crops will begin. If weather permits, several types of new equipment will be demonstrated.

On-site registration begins at 8:30 a.m. To pre-register or obtain more information about the Field Day, contact Andrea Venturi – Organic Agronomist and Research Technician at or the WIU School of Agriculture at (309) 298-1080. Pre-registration is strongly recommended for planning purposes.

Directions to the Dakin Farm shop - 130 20th St., Roseville, IL 61473

If arriving from the north, travel on U.S. Rt. 67 five miles south of the U.S. Rt. 67 and IL Rt. 116 intersection in Roseville to County Rd. 20th Ave. N, then turn west at the Allison Farm highway sign and travel four miles on 20th Ave. to the southeast corner of the Allison Farm (intersection of 20th Ave. and 20th St.). Turn left and proceed south 0.7 miles on 20th St. to the Dakin Farm shop located on the west side of the road.

If arriving from the south, travel on U.S. Rt. 67 seven miles north of the U.S. Rt. 67 and IL Rt. 9 intersection in Good Hope to County Rd. 20th Ave. N (2 miles north of the McDonough/Warren County line), then turn west at the Allison Farm highway sign and travel four miles on 20th Ave. to the southeast corner of the Allison Farm (intersection of 20th Ave. and 20th St.). Turn left and proceed south 0.7 miles on 20th St. to the Dakin Farm shop located on the west side of the road.

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